The beginning of My FLAT EARTH REALITY

The earth is flat…  it doesn’t move,  it’s Biblical creation!

Tonight’s blog is going to be about flat earth….

Flat earth is what changed my life the most!

I had no idea how flat earth was going drastically change my life….I had no idea flat earth was even a thing!

When I was diving into the rabbit holes, I watched a video about the fake moon landing.

This is only happening in your imagination!

After the video, I was totally convinced that we never went to the moon.   Next I watched a flat earth video that was suggested. I kinda laughed at the notion, we’ve all be programmed to laugh at and mock flat earth ….. After watching the video — finally everything made sense.

I don’t understand why the concept of the flat earth is so hard for people to grasp once they see how it actually works.  Because for me —everything finally clicked.   The earth is flat and heaven is above us.

Biblical flat earth
This picture is in older Bibles

The flat earth aligns with the Bible and that’s all that I needed to prove the flat earth is the truth. I have always trusted my Bible more than any man or any other book.   God created the earth and God’s Word says it’s flat.  There are over 200 Bible scriptures that describe the earth as flat and stationary.

There are no Bible scriptures that say we live on a spinning ball or that other planets or other life exists.  (So, if there is an alien invasion— it’s fake news like everything else on TV.)

My first was question was the same as yours —  why would they lie to us about the shape of the earth?  But the more I started finding out about the lies that we have been told, the more obvious the truth became.

Everything is linked together. When I began to realize how satanic this world has become — I opened my eyes to God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a new way.  I repented for old sins, I cried out to God for mercy on my sinful soul. I changed.   I wanted to become a better Christian.  It made me want to go back to church, so I went the very next Sunday and they put a globe on the screen.   Nothing felt right inside the church.

The church is corrupt. What they represent as a Christian is corrupt and pagan. Christians are supposed to follow Christ.

I began to read my Bible every day and prayed for a new understanding.   I’ve read the chapter in the Bible about selling & giving away everything and following Jesus.   That is exactly what I wanted to do    I realized that I had acquired a lot of material possessions that weren’t things that I loved anymore.   I had a brand new passion — the truth!

I felt really good about giving that stuff away.  I also prayed about my business for a month month and sacrificed a paycheck and an as-expense-paid trip to Disney.   I really wanted to be sure that I had God’s blessing in my business.  I also wanted God to know I was willing to let go of money & things to follow Jesus!

I became super passionate about the flat earth.  I could not stop posting about it.  I wanted to share it with everybody!

It was going to be so easy for my friends and family to see it for themselves, just like I did.  —ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANS!    However it was my Christian friends that gave me the hardest time about the flat earth.

When my brother found out that I was a flat earthier, he wouldn’t even debate me.  He decided that I was part of a cult and stopped speaking to me.  ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️

It’s crazy that people are so divided over the shape of the earth that they would stop speaking over it.   That is exactly what satan wants.  Speaking of a cult,… and my brother —He considers himself a messianic Jew.  He is deep into the Hebrew roots movement.    Beware of the sacred name movement!  It is so evil!  The Bible warned us against it!   Do not deny the name Jesus Christ.  He is the only truth that matters!

When people ask me why does it matter if the earth is flat —  it matters because it should bring people closer to having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and gain knowledge and wisdom from the Holy Spirit.

This is the beginning of my flat earth journey!! I can’t wait to share more….  ❤️

If you’re reading this — you must be one of my tribe!  I love you reading this❤️❤️❤️

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  1. Please email me I’d love to talk ! ❤️ My name is Ashley and I live in Ohio and I’m a faithful believer in Jesus Christ and I been trying to find other brothers and sisters in CHRIST !

    1. You can message me at I would love to chat!

    2. Did you ever get my reply?

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