EXPOSED! New World Order – Whore of Babylon – First Beast – Second Beast

The New World Order is unfolding right before our eyes by creating order out of chaos!  Let’s talk about it!

We are in the last days according to Biblical prophecy.  It’s time to remove the scales from our eyes, lift the veil and see through the deceptions that are unfolding behind the curtain!

Here’s a brief synopsis:

Beast of Sea – United Nations

Beast of Land – 70 Nations —  coming out of Isreal

Whore of Babylon- all religions and churches and organizations profiting off the Living Word of God under government control


Mark of the Beast starts out as a covenant…  turns into total control nightmare after 3.5 years.

My warning to you is — pray for discernment, beware of the propaganda, and pay close attention to what’s going on in Isreal.  Now, let’s get into the details to see how their plan in unfolding perfectly!

There has been a radical religious conversion to “Hebrew Roots”.

The internet and social media is flooded groups, channels, websites and memes pushing lies and propaganda about deception and paganism in Christian churches.  Rabis are opening churches all over the world under the Messianic Jew religion.  They are using this churches to judaize Christians.  Mind control techniques are being used — symbols, images, group think are creating a hive mind mentality.

The messianic religion followers are under mass mind control and recite the same lies over and over!

These Rabis and converts tell Christians, Jesus’s name is actually Yeshua in Hebrew.  But, Yeshua does not translate to Jesus Christ in the Hebrew Languare. Yeshua translates to Joshua.  There is a scripture in the Bible called Joshua.  Do you think Jesus would have the same name as one of his brothers or followers?

Jesus Christ’s name has been put above every man.  It simply does not make sense that people never heard of the sacred name until now.

Their best argument is, there’s no J in the Hebrew alphabet.  It seems to be the most used anyway.  This is simple, language came before the alphabet  Tons of evidence exists to prove that speaking came before writing.  If you look at the Greek translation, the letters do transfer into a J.  There are many J words in the Bible…. Jacob, Joseph, John, Jew, Judah Jerusalem Japheth, James, etc.

The other argument is ….Jesus was Hebrew, not Greek. That does not mean that Jesus Christ didn’t know every language and his name didn’t remain the same dispite the potential language barriers.  But none of this matters, the Bible I was raised with says Jesus Christ, almost 1000 times.  The Bible is even called the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the Word of God made Flesh.

No religious text or any other book that was written about Jesus Christ used the sacred name, until recently!  The earliest account of this name i can locate is in a book written in 1997 that is titled, What would the name Jesus be in Hebrew?

There are some important events going on the earth that no one is really paying attention to while they are being distracted with a virus hoax.

Trump is working on a peace plan.

The Trump administration officially titled the plan, “Peace to Prosperity:  A Vision to improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli people) is a proposal to resolve the Israeli-Palestine conflict.” 

On December 6, 2017 President Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and ordered the U.S. Embassy to moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

There is now a commemorative coin created to represent Trump’s recognition of the centrality of Jerusalem as the capital state of Israel.  The coin was produced as an expression of immense joy and gratitude to President Trump.  The coin was created in honor and praise of Israel’s 70th Independence Day, and with gratitude that the American Embassy will be transferred to Jerusalem recognizing the centrality of Jerusalem to all 70 nations of the world.  The proceeds from this coin will help rebuild the Third Temple.  Christians know that this is where the AntiChrist will sit on the throne.

“Jerusalem shall be established as a corpus separatum under a special international regime and shall be administered by the United Nations.” – UN General Assembly Resolution 181

Mike Pompeo was in Israel in March of 2019.  He promoted a video with the Third Temple model, mentioning Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.  He described it as “hard fought real estate” and very important land.

Despite the coronavirus quarantine, Mike Pompeo was back to business in Isreal in April 2020 to discuss…. you’ve got it…. Trump’s peace plan!   Trump and Pompeo make it very clear that they are team Israel.  Trump said the relationship is so strong, that America is going to change.  We are going to see love like we never have before.

Jared Kushner, the President’s Senior Advisor and son-in-law has been negotiating peace in the Middle East!  Trump said, “if Jared can not negotiate peace between the Jews and Palestinians, no one can.”  According to Biblical prophecy, the man that is able to negotiate peace in the Middle East is the AntiChrist.

Jared almost looks as if he’s about to play the role for the AntiChrist ….  between his business on 666 5th Avenue; his company Lucent Technologies manufacturing the RFID chip –add to that the peace negotiation; and his role is becoming more suspicious daily.

Jared Kushner not only knows Benjamin Netanyahu, Benjamin watched Jared grow up!  It’s all so strange.  Jared has no political background; but he’s the one that was chosen to bring in the false peace.  It’s not about “what” you know.  It’s about “who” you know.  I’m not saying Jared is the AntiChrist.  I am saying, he seems to be playing a role that ties in with Biblical prophecy.  Jared has become a useful idiot during the coronavirus.  He and his college roommate were put in charge of a task force that they completely mismanaged.  Just look it up, because this article is not about that, … but if he can’t handle the a small task of distributing supplies during the Coronavirus…. he’s definitely not qualified to rule over the entire earth.  Jared is definitely #notmyantichrist.  I’m expecting someone that has it together.  Jared is a hot mess.  It’s too obvious.

A major event happened in Jerusalem –a prophetic ritualistic sacrifice took place at the Temple Mount!  A goat was used.  It had a black head and white body.  The sacrifice was made in the name of Hashem.  Malki, the man that was asked to perform the sacrifice, said, he felt the spirit of Yahoshua inside the lamb (goat).  He said he performed the sacrifice to bring back the chosen people to Israel.  They are searching for the 144,000 from the lost tribes — “Noah’s grandsons”.   They also want to rebuild the temple and enforce noahide laws over every nation.  

Israel is working harder than ever at mending relationships with Muslims and Christians.  Beyond that, they have decided to teach them how to live like them, a “chosen person” (even though Jews believe Christians are not chosen in their -not-so-humble opinions).

Everyone needs to research Jacob (ISRAEL) and his children, the 12 tribes.

You’ll wake up to the fact that the chosen people are every color. People were scattered. So basically, we are all God’s chosen people.  There are people that are children of the devil, like those people that signed contracts to be rich and famous… but I’ll save that for another blog.  You need to know how this all ties in to what’s happening today.

The 70 Nations

The 70 nations is a conception based on Genesis.  All of the nations of the earth may be classified as descended from on of Noah’s three sons.  The were dispersed all over the earth.  The seventy nations intends to find the lost tribes, rebuild the temple, establish a one world government ruled by Noahide laws.  This establishment has been trying to replace the United Nations for years.

Noahide laws have been signed into law by the last several Presidents.  The American people do not realize this.  And the laws have never been enforced.

How did a massive conversion to the Hebrew Roots movement happen?

The Hebrew Roots Sacred name movement started with people beginning to wake up to the deception.  Film makers sponsored and promoted by Israel began promoting truths with some well laid out and very compelling videos.  They are ultimately leading people to Israel’s Messiah, Yeshua.  They will create content and interchange the names Jesus and Yeshua to pull Christians into the deception. Gonz, (Face like the Sun), Rob Skiba, Nathan Roberts, Robbie Davidson, Canary Cry Radio, Celebrate Truth…(to name a few)  All of these people interchange the name Jesus Christ with Yeshua during their “programs”!  They lead people to Jewish teachings and rabis that say they also believe in Jesus Christ, but want to teach us the proper way to say it – YESHUA.  People that follow this movement, eventually stop trusting their full Bibles, and toss out the New Testament like the Jesus we have all grown to know and love never existed. 
The Bible says there is NO OTHER NAME.  The ONLY name we can be saved by is Jesus Christ

Philippeans 2:9-11 “Wherefore God also highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth, and things under earth;  11 and that every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory God the Father.”

Knowingly or unknowingly, these people are exposing the current beast system to their audience and leading people to accept the destruction and embrace the new one world order beast system.

Yeshua, Yahoshua, Yahshua, however you spell it… translates to Joshua.  Please explain to me how that name is above every name.  It isn’t.

This deception is easy for Christians to fall for because of a couple reasons.

Christians have become dependent on Pastors to read and interpret the Bible for them.  Pastors are revered as all knowing and closer to God.  Our churches have been infiltrated by Satan.  They have taught us pagan traditions and little truth about the Living Word of God.  People are waking up, and it may very well be Satan waking everyone up –with an Agenda…. to usher in the AntiChrist Beast System.

Our government lied to us about pretty much everything.  The earth is flat.  Hollywood signed contracts with Satan for fame and fortune so they could feed us with propaganda to make us follow them in their sinful nature.  They show us what to do, wear, buy, eat, drink.  They literally made a show about keeping up with them!

Churches have misguided people about Israel.  Christians have been taught that questioning it means you are antisemitic (hostile or prejiduce against Jews).

Christians have been taught that it takes an authority to teach them the Living Word of God.

Most Christians have been indoctrinated by churches that have their own doctrines.  When a Christian begins to wake up to Biblical truth, they tend scramble for another man to teach them the truth.  The religion they are finding that seems to be closer to the Living Word of God ends up being the Messianic Jewish religion.  This is just another fail.  They are not being taught the proper gospel.

This new gospel comes with a new Bible which blots out the name of Jesus Christ.

It becomes appealing to the Christian searching for truth, as learning the truth comes with a renewed sense of wanting to be closer to our Father in Heaven through our salvation through Jesus Christ.  True salvation comes through repentance and obedience.  Truth and wisdom comes from reading the Living Word of Jesus Christ.  Obedient Christians want to make sure they are following the truth.  When they search for an expert to teach them and guide them, they become misled; and they being to mislead others.

When people find the so-called experts, they have more than likely found a shill for Israel.  YouTube and the internet is censoring truth.  You can only find the truth in your Bible.  The truth is, we were warned about another gospel and another Jesus.  The world around us has changed.  But God and Jesus Christ have not changed.  This new gospel is strange and it is literally being shoved down Christians throats by other Christians!  Christians not only stop trusting the men that previously led them… they stop trusting the Living Word of God, Jesus Christ and follow a strange god.

“You are very patient with anyone who comes to you and preaches a different Jesus from the one we preached.  You are very willing to accept a spirit or gospel that is different from the Spirit and Good News you received from us.”

—2 Corinthians 11:4

Sacred name/Hebrew roots people are quickly falling right into the trap of worshipping the second beast!!   They have been conditioned and brainwashed by hive mind mentality and propaganda.  These teachings will ultimately lead to the Noahide laws.  Let’s take a look at what these laws say and mean.

Noahide Laws

The Noahide laws are promoted by Lubavitcher Jewish Rabbis as being the way for non-Jews to live acceptable lives. This idea has been introduced to some world leaders among them, the Presidents and the Pope.

1 Do not deny God

2 Do not blasphemy God

3 Do not murder

4 Do not engage in sexual immorality, bestiality or homosexual relations

5 Do not steal

6 Do not eat flesh taken from a living animal (that is with its life-blood still in it)

7 Establish courts and a legal system to uphold these laws

Death will be the penalty under these laws.  They may sound great to the average believer.

However, if that believer says that Jesus Christ is Lord, it would constitute idolatry and blasphemy.

There is no mention of the New Testament and no mention of Jesus Christ within these laws.  These are strictly from Noah and Moses and there are many sub-groups working on this agenda, signified by using a rainbow.

The seventh law is nowhere in the Bible.

Christians martyrs will be in violation becaue of their faith in Jesus Christ and will suffer the fate of beheading from the hands of the 70 Nations military, which will be all of the military’s in the world combined!

“The so-called Noahide Laws, or Seven Laws of Noah are Talmudic Jewish Laws originating in ancient Babylonian times.

The laws prohibit practices such as idolatry, sexual immorality, theft, murder, blasphemy, eating living creatures, and promote the establishment of new courts.  There is currently a court established all International Tribunal of Justice that is working on endightments and charges against the elite …(if you really want to believe in the deep state going down theory.)

The definitions of these prohibitions can include: Christianity, practically any religion other than Judaism; stealing a loaf of bread, atheism, homosexuality, adultery or eating certain live foods, such as oysters.

In each case, only one witness is required to convict, and in every case, the sentence is death by decapitation. i.e. the power of life and death would be given to all. The greatest authority for these laws is a new Sanhedrin court, established in Tiberias, Israel in 2005, after 1600 years of absence.

A House Joint Resolution 582 in the USA claims the United States was founded on The Seven Noachide or Noahide Laws. This is false. 

House Joint Resolution 104 states:

“these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws”

This is false. The American people did not know about it.

Since Ronald Reagan, every President of the USA has spoken in favor of the Noahide Laws.(puppets)

The Noahide Laws are gaining favor at the UN too, where some NGOs have already pledged to uphold them. The United Noahide Council (UNC Inc.) has declared its aim to take their movement to every country in the world. They further state that it is incumbent up on them to these Noahide laws on all gentiles (non-Jews).

If the USA and UN jointly back 70 Nations and Noahide Law, they could enforce them on virtually the entire earth as a new world order legal system.

This will be the end of freedom of religion, and become the greatest reign of terror the world has ever known, or will ever know. The contemplation of this is very heartbreaking.

Could America become an environment as hostile as ancient Israel, imprisoning or even eventually killing those who criticize the Jews? We are moving rapidly in that direction!

As Christians, we must vehemently DEFEND the NAME Of Jesus Christ.

We need to warn others about the Hebrew Roots Sacred name movement before they are deceived.  Once they get into into it, pride will grow; and it’s very hard to pull them back out of the deception.

Here are some scriptures to confirm that there is only ONE MESSIAH and ONE NAME that will save us -Jesus Christ 

Acts 4:10″let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead—by this name this man stands here before you in good health.”

 “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”

Matthew 18:5 “And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me;”

Acts 3:6 “But Peter said, “I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene—walk!”

Acts 3:16 “And on the basis of faith in His name, it is the name of Jesus which has strengthened this man whom you see and know; and the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect health in the presence of you all.”

1 Corinthians 6:11 “Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.”

Ephesians 5:20 “always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;”

Colossians 3:17 “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.”

2 Timothy 2:19 “Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness.”

Acts 4:30 “while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.”

Acts 19:13 “But also some of the Jewish exorcists, who went from place to place, attempted to name over those who had the evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, “I adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches.”

1 Corinthians 5:3-4 “For I, on my part, though absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged him who has so committed this, as though I were present. In the name of our Lord Jesus, when you are assembled, and I with you in spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus”

1 Corinthians 1:10 “Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment.”

Acts 16:18 “She continued doing this for many days. But Paul was greatly annoyed, and turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her!” And it came out at that very moment.”

2 Thessalonians 3:6 “Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep away from every brother who leads an unruly life and not according to the tradition which you received from us.”

The Whore of Babylon

Mother of the Harlots of Babylon —  is EVERY SINGLE RELIGION

Revelation 17:3: “Then he carried me away in the spirit to a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet beast that had seven heads and ten horns, full of names of blasphemy.”

Dan. 7 helps fill it in, v 4: “And the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet,and was adorned with gold and pearls and precious stones; and she had a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominations and the filthiness of her fornication; and across her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…”


ALL religions that we know today basically originated or were reinforced and reinvigorated in Babylon, therefore, it refers back to Babylon. Buddhism came out of Babylon, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam — all of them, and that’s why she is “…THE MOTHER OF THE HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH

The churches are not teaching Biblical truth.  The ones that want to have been hushed by the 501c3 regulations which consist of 6 pages of rules and regulations to be qualified for a non-profit tax exemption.  It’s almost like churches today sold their people’s collective souls to the devil …. 

Think about how prostitution works…. services are provided and money is collected.  That’s exactly how churches today are operating.  They have become full of greed and lust for money.  Joel Osteen teaming up with Kanye West for Sunday service is all about greed, power and money.  Kanye West has called himself a God.  He’s married to a family of witches that promote consumption and consumerism in the name of “Keeping Up” with them, the father transgendered into a woman… tell me there’s no agenda!  That’s who Joel Osteen is guiding us to follow?  They have ear tickling sermons, and collect money from their attendees.  But are they really teaching their congregation about the One and Only True God?  The answer is no.

Is any church out there teaching about the True God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob?

The answer is no!  Most of them are teaching evolution via a spinning ball called a globe.  When i was researching some documents from the CIA one stood out to me….  it said space proves there is no God.  Wow!  That truly is the reason behind the lie…. and the churches back it up.

The First Beast in Revelation

The first beast comes “out of the sea” and is given authority and power by the dragon.

Most people don’t realize it, but the beast has been here!  The power behind the beast is Satan the devil.

This beast is a government entity — It is the United Nations!

“And another sign was seen in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon… [Satan the devil] …having seven heads and ten horns…”

That is the identifying mark of Satan’s system.  Seven and ten basically means — perfectly evil.  These kabalists are all about duality.

“…and seven crowns on his heads”

Revelation 13 – Scripture for Reference

13 And I saw coming up out of the sea a beast that had ten horns and seven heads, and on its horns ten royal headbands, and on its heads a blasphemous name.

And the beast that I saw was similar to a leopard, and its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth waslike the mouth of a lion, and the dragon gave it his power and his throne and great authority.

And one of its heads appeared as though slaughtered to death, and its fatal wound had been healed. And the whole earth was astonished and followed after the beast.

And they worshipped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who is able to make war with him?

And a mouth was given to him speaking great things and blasphemies, and authority to act was given to him for forty-two months.

And he opened his mouth for blasphemies toward God, to blaspheme his name and his dwelling, those who live in heaven.

And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given to him over every tribe and people and language and nation. And all those who live on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name is not written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered.

If anyone has an ear, let him hear!

The Second Beast in Revelation

The Second beast comes from the earth.  The 70 nations will take over of UN — creating a Moral law (Noahide laws)

World Peace – Earth worship – New Age – Co exist – One God

“2 Horns like a lamb speaking like dragon”— AntiChrist … Jewish Messiah Yehoshua

The Seven Laws of Noah, also referred to as the Noahide Laws or the Noachide Laws, are a set of imperatives which, according to the Talmud, were given by God as a binding set of laws for the “children of Noah” – that is, all of humanity.

The rainbow is a modern symbol of Noahidism, representing God’s promise to Noah to never again flood the earth and destroy humanity.

There are many Torah observing Jewish people (and now Christians) who believe the Torah is only true law of the land and the constitution caused the abolishment of the Torah.


“Over time, from one generation to the next, the Constitution has come to earn the high respect and even, as Madison dared to hope, the veneration of the American people.”

“The Constitution . . . is a political document. It may even be a nomos . . . But it will not be Torah.”

“At times the abolition of the Torah is its founding.”

Zionist Jews have been blamed for infiltrating the “true Jewish” people and becoming part of the current political system, backing up the constitution.

However, this system has become very corrupt and dark.  For example— September 11. ???? the Corona Virus.  Forced vaccination.  Pedophila.  Transgender agenda.

The “true” Jewish people have also been successful at westernizing their traditions through religions such as Messianic Judaism (Christianity with a Jewish Twist.  Jews that believe in a messiah named Yehoshua.  Not Jesus Christ.)  They make it sound like the same Jesus … but is it?

Scripture for reference

The Second Beast comes from the Earth

11 And I saw another beast coming up from the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he was speaking like a dragon.

12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast on behalf of him, and he causes the earth and those who live in it to worship the first beast whose fatal wound had been healed.

13 And he performs great signs, so that he even causes fire from heaven to come down to the earth before people.

14 And he deceives those who live on the earth because of the signs that it has been granted to him to perform on behalf of the beast, telling those who live on the earth to make an image to the beast who has the wound of the sword and yet lived.

15 And it was given to him to put breath into the image of the beast, in order that the image of the beast both spoke and caused that all those, unless they worshiped the image of the beast, should be killed.

16 And he causes all people, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slave, that they give them a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,

17 and that no one was able to buy or to sell except the one who had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom: the one who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number, and his number is six hundred sixty-six.

Yahweh is Satan!  Who is the AntiChrist?

Even Aliester Crowley worshipped Yahweh.  The big secret no one talks about when it comes to Satan worship, secret societies, Illuminati and the Jewish religion is — their Messiah is Lucifer and their God is Satan.  But if you read the Old Testament (FOR YOURSELF)… And you start digging deep, you’ll see the difference between the true Living Jesus Christ and the false light of Lucifer.

I could not post this blog without exploring whom the AntiChrist could be.  Is the AntiChrist here already?

If you read these scriptures…. it’s a toss up!  There is speculation that one of these guys could be the AntiChrist…..Prince Harry, Obama, Trump, Kushner, Kanye…. who knows?  Which one of these men do you think aligns with the scriptures below?   Am I missing a potential AntiChrist?

The Antichrist will be the leader of a nation that is a military superpower with the ability to trample and crush the entire earth.

 “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.”Daniel. 7:23 

The Antichrist will be a man who is exceptionally arrogant and will be known for giving boastful speeches.

“I could hear his boastful speech…” Daniel 7:8, Revelation 13:5

“…had a mouth like that of a lion.” Revelation 13:2, Daniel. 7:4

“And I saw a beast coming out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads, which stood for seven hills” Revelation 13:1

“The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.” Revelation. 13:3

“… a despicable person will arise… a man of contempt… to whom the royal honor has not been rightfully conferred.  He will slip in when least expected and will seize the kingdom through flattery and intrigue.” Daniel 11:21

“He had a mouth that spoke great things, and that seemed greater than its companions…” Daniel 7:20

Daniel and Revelation describe the Antichrist as a contemptuous and arrogant political outsider who pulls an upset in the election– but warns us that he’ll specifically be speaking of “great” and “greater” things along the way…. (Interesting!  This scripture makes me think of one of those men in particular….how about you?)

After an alliance is made with him he will practice deception, and he will go up and gain power with a small force of people.” Daniel 11:23   …. can’t help but think of the Trump Peace plan…. how about you?

“Then he will distribute among his followers the plunder and wealth of the rich—something his predecessors had never done.” Daniel 11:24

The Antichrist will be unique from all other presidents before him in the way he will be able to use the presidency to instantly get richer and toss lots of money over to his friends.

“He will try to change the set times and the laws.” Dan. 7:25

“He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior… He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them.” Daniel 8:25, 2 Thess 2:10

“He will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will sell them land at a price.” Daniel 11:39

“And there was given to him a mouth speaking of ‘great things’ and blasphemous words… and he opened his mouth saying terrible things and blasphemed the name of God.”  Revelation 13:5-6

“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and appear to perform ‘great’ signs and wonders so as to lead astray, if possible, God’s own people. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction…” Matt. 24:24, 2nd Thess 2:10

“He will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South…” Daniel 11:25

“He will set himself against the people…doing much damage before continuing his journey.” Daniel 11:28

“But reports will trouble him from the east and north, and he will set out in a tremendous rage to destroy and wipe out many.” Daniel 11:44

“[He] appeared to be fatally wounded, but the fatal wound was healed– and the whole world was amazed.”  Revelation 13:3

“And then I saw a second beast come from the Earth who looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon… and it deceived the inhabitants of the Earth…”  Revelation 13:11–12

“And he will exalt himself above all… so that he sets himself up in God’s own temple in Israel, proclaiming himself to be God.” 2nd Thess 2:4, Rev 17

Seventy Nations Creating the New Jerusalem and taking over for United Nations

Seventy has a sacred meaning in the Bible that is made up of the factors of two perfect numbers, seven (representing perfection) and ten (representing completeness and God’s law). As such, it symbolizes perfect spiritual order carried out with all power. It can also represent a period of judgment.

Seventy (70) elders were appointed by Moses (Numbers 11:16). After reading the covenant God gave him to read to the people, Moses took 70 elders, along with Aaron and his sons, up Mount Sinai to have a special meal with God himself (Exodus 24:9 – 11)!

Ancient Israel spent a total number of 70 years in captivity in Babylon (Jeremiah 29:10). Seventy is also specially connected with Jerusalem. The city kept 70 years of Sabbaths while Judah was in Babylonian captivity (Jeremiah 25:11). Seventy sevens (490 years) were determined upon Jerusalem for it to complete its transgressions, to make an end for sins and for everlasting righteousness to enter into it (Daniel 9:24).

The people are starting to realize the UN is trying to enslave humanity.

The current governmental system is no longer working

Mayors and Governors are using their power in a tyrannical way

The current system is evil

It’s time to get rid of this old system and usher in the new system

With the Messianic religion quickly forming and then a Hebrew Roots movement forming amongst the “truth” community …. this major shift in religion will make a change such as 70 nations under the notion of God as the ultimate authority will be easy to accept.  Many people are calling God Yahweh or Yahuah and Jesus Christ Yeshua.  These people are being programmed wth the book of Genesis by the Hebrew Root Cult leader, which are conditioning to obey and enforce Noahide laws.

Some of you may know about the Goldberg psyop.  That was used as a tool to make people afraid to share the truth.  He mentioned Trump would call himself a King or Isreal.  Then he recently tweeted about being the King of Isreal.

Trump was compared to Cyrus, the Israeli Prime Minister remarked, “I want to tell you that the Jewish people have a long memory, so we remember the proclamation of the great king, Cyrus the Great, Persian king 2,500 years ago. He proclaimed that the Jewish exiles in Babylon could come back and rebuild our Temple in Jerusalem.”

Cyrus was supported because he arose from perceived abuse people suffered at the hands of the previous leaders and their disregard for traditional values.  (Sound familiar?)

The government makes big changes by providing order out of chaos.  Bush terrorized us with the demise of the twin towers.  Then Obama caused so much tension with Christians, they were willing to overlook Trump’s racially insensitive remarks, sexist comments and egotistical behavior, because he agreed that their convictions had been violated and offered hope that some of these violations could be overturned.

Trump told hundreds of evangelical leaders, “The government has gotten so involved in your religion. Especially your religion, that it makes it very difficult.” Trump’s rhetoric recalls Cyrus’s promise to restore the proper worship of Marduk and to liberate the citizenry from the exploitation and abuse they had previously suffered.

Within weeks of the presidential (selection) American pastors were using biblical texts about Cyrus to declare confidently that President Trump’s election was God’s answer for a nation off course.

It is the UN’s 70th anniversary.  They have been pushing 70 propaganda.  70 ways UN helps the earth.  70 documents that shaped history.  It’s almost like they are using predictive programming with the number seventy. 

The 70 nations will be the coming together of Noah’s descendants (144,000) (Jacob’s tribe) where kings of Isreal will rule over the nations — directed under Noahide laws.

In Summary

Mainstream Media News is a psyop … We are all being played 

Setting the stage for the ANTICHRIST — even the elect will be deceived if it is possible 

The Who Foundation (funded mostly by Bill Gates) Is the organization is providing the recommendations for this Coronavirus quarantine.

Bill Gates gave a Ted Talk on how well vaccines work to depopulate.  Now he’s developing one for the virus.  He even has a 666 patent.

People are getting restless and upset …

BUT … what if this is all an act and part of the plan?

What if the government want us to over throw them?

What if the government is using — bad politics, creating bad policies, and showing us videos of people hoarding toilet paper, destroying farms, forcing us to wear mask, social distancing… to create OUTRAGE.

Now people are protesting and getting tired of it … they want their freedom back.  They are going to protests with guns — demonstrating that we will go to civil war if we have to.

Q anon is a very well-know false witness.  He has taught many how evil and corrupt the government truly is.  He taught us about


pizza gate

showed us Hillary’s emails and so much more.

We saw the creepy art

photos of the kids taped up on Instagram.


Looking back….. It’s almost like they were purposely dropping clues to really stir up our hate for the elite. Q lead us to believe that it was all the deep state.  But Trump is different, he is a hero that will save us.

Q led us to people like Dr. Shiva.  Shill Shiva is saying Fauci is deep state and he has the answers for the Corona cure (as if it’s real).

It makes us SCREAM … FIRE FAUCI. It outrageous us to know all of his connections (Gates & Clinton foundations) and how evil he is. We find out he lied about aids too!  This man is responsible for so many deaths.  We want him gone.

Now we have the “love and light” journalist Mikki Willis (founder of Elevate) creating a documentary called PLANDEMIC featuring shills such as Judy Mikovits. They give the virus credibility, but discredits the Fauci, Gates & United Nations. 


We have been led to government documents and videos showing us this has been planned for years — like the Committee of 300, Rockefeller meeting, Clade X. Event 201, Dark Winter.  Not to mention all of the movies that are based on end world scenarios and pandemics.

We’ve heard awful rumors about Fema camps and dew energy weapons killing  people.

We heard there are camps under ground where children are being held as slaves.

They tell us 800k kids are missing.  And they’ve told us that the elite are part of it.  They have told us the elite eat babies.

So … what if the current NWO plan is to create tension between the current system?

UN. WHO… Fema ….Government…IRS…Federal Reserve

All of a sudden these documents, Ted talks about depopulation and “practice” pandemic scenarios are being exposed.  Everything we read is SCREAMING … end of the world. Mark is the beast. The elite want to exterminate all of us!!  We need to be saved.

If the plan Q has been telling us the plan all along is going to happen…

THEY WILL REPLACE OUR CURRENT SYSTEM WITH the 70 Nations and the Noahide laws!

Now, let’s put it all together and EXPOSE the FALSE light of Lucifer, Q, Trump, Hebrew Roots

The Kabbalah teaches duality.  They believe that there are two paths to enlightenment  –  dark & light.

“The Kabbalah believes God “formed the light and created darkness, is the maker of peace and the creator of evil.”

The two types of “philosophical” and “moral” dualism we are capable of fusing and merging in various combinations. The body, matter, and “this world” could become identified, or at least associated, with darkness and evil, and the soul, with goodness and light.” Jewish Library

There are two beasts in revelations

one comes out of the sea

and one comes out of the earth

When you see the symbols that have the two serpents, they are representing these paths of enlightenment.

The Kabbalah has a tree of life (Jacob’s ladder) representing good and evil paths leading to enlightenment.

If you remember the presidency of George Bush and Obama… extremely dark things happened.  Like September 11 which caused everybody to feel fear.  (Dark)

Now with the presidency of Donald Trump and we have Q knowledge …  and they appear to be exposing the elite and draining the swamp.   (Light)

Both are snakes.

They both lead to Lucifer’s light. Lucifer is the false light.

When Trump ”drains the swamp” and flips the pyramid upside down so the elite are at the bottom… people are going to be so excited thinking he’s doing good things.

The Living Word of God tells us that only Jesus Christ can save us.

The false prophet Q wants to show us those pizza gate and pedo images so we will be fooled into believing that Trump took down the Kabbalah.  But he’s actually part of it.  He’s the LIGHT path.  Bush, Clintons, Obama DARK path.

They want people cheering for the destruction of the current system. That’s why so much is being revealed.. by them, mostly. Although, I believe God is revealing stuff too.

But naturally they want to counterfeit the “New Jerusalem” idea.

And a counterfeit apocalypse scenario will allow them to tear down the old system and bring in the new “Golden Age” … Which obviously is the NWO.

If Trump was actually a good guy

he wouldn’t be funding NASA to the point of creating a new flag

he would repent for his sins

he wouldn’t be shutting down America for a hoax

he would not be FOR VACCINES

he would not be racing to install 5G

How can you consider yourself a TRUTHER & think any of this is okay?  Even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.

The Q mission is to make the Antichrist dystopian system/NWO sound super appealing and utopian.

There is a spiritual war raging and even though it sounds peaceful or natural— it’s Satan ruling.

We are under constant attack by deceitful spiritual beings leading us astray.

Q gives us knowledge.  God gives us wisdom. Let God be true and every man a liar.

Deception in the church of our day is overflowing, even to the point of embracing heretical teachers (like Rob Skiba) who oppose God’s truth — as fellow Christians under the umbrella of Christian unity!

A major part of our Christian battle and Christian responsibility here and now is to spread and defend the Word of God to as many people as possible.  THE BIBLE IS THE ONLY AUTHORITY!

Satanic Deceptions like Q, sacred name aka Hebrew roots cult, lead people astray.

Wolves are not sheep, but prey off of the sheep, though they claim to be God’s servants.

“This is basically what is happening with the typical “Q” bot’s mindset…

They can clearly see things beginning to transpire that everyone in the truther/conspiracy community have been telling people would come to pass for decades..

BUT there is a conundrum for them in the sense that the NWO is kicking into gear fast & furiously under the watch of their Lord and Savior Donald Trump.  

Because of Q, formerly “woke” individuals that would have** vehemently rejected the NWO advancements at one time, are now so hopelessly delusional  that they actually have been duped into thinking that these advancements against our freedoms that are following NWO protocol to the “T” are actually meant to keep us all safe!!

They have become convinced little Barron Trump, the Donald, and 666 Jared Kushner take down the elites from their underground bunkers to bring about a Utopian society that will be heaven on Earth.”

The government is exposing themselves via shills and charlatans.  They want us to wake up to the fact they are evil and Satanic (which they are) — so we will want to take them down.

A lot of the news being shown to us and the truth is getting out … But, is it to create an uprising?  I firmly believe they want people to riot and protest.  They want the people to be “one” at home “in this together” “the new normal” to create the NWO “hive mind” mentality and form together as one people … and as a people for one God.  They want all religions to coexist and justify the different Gods as a mere language barrier.   

They are teaching the entire population of the earth about a Jewish Mesisiah.  On the Messiah of Israel YouTube channel, they are teaching Christians how to approach Jews about the messiah.  Rabi Zev Porat recommends we approach Jewish people by saying we are followers of the “Jewish Messiah”.  If they ask who it is, we need to say the Messiah of Israel.  He suggests we use the Old Testament to speak to them.   If you say you’re a missionary and want to talk to them about the Word of God, we will lose them.

The Hebrew Roots cult follows a Satanic deception led by the Synagogue of Satan. It’s an antiChrist movement.  The people that are getting trapped into it are causing so much confusion; and they have no idea what they’re doing.  They can’t even get the spelling of the name right!  I’m pretty sure God wants us to know how to spell his Son’s name!   Jesus Christ was the last sacrifice.  If you don’t believe in Him, you would sacrifice a perfect lamb for Passover. Hebrew roots people are being bullied into following laws like this and the feasts in the Old Testament to prepare them to embrace Noahide laws.

The Bible says that this is going to be a spiritual battle!  Guess what …  It is!!   They want us to hate this satanic system so much that we will beg for the new one…. a biblical system based on peace love & God …  but we are being led to the AntiChrist, the Jewish Messiah, Yahshua Lucifer — not Jesus Christ.  Please warn all of your Christian friends before it is too late!

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  1. Excellent, and I was one of those that started using that name. It felt weird to me, but don’t want to make a mistake. I’m trying so hard to stay vigilant that I don’t get deceived. I almost bought the cepher. I’ve always felt connected to the name of Jesus

    1. I’m so glad it didn’t feel right! You should check out the book of Enoch! It’s so awesome.

  2. I want to share a message that has been spreading all over the internet that concerns the times we are living in. Whether you believe in God or not, this is a must read message!

    We can see throughout time how we have been slowly conditioned to come to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Would it surprise you to know that the Bible foretold of this event? Don’t believe me? This may be the most imporant message you will read in these times…please do not ignore this!

    This messsage reveals what the Mark of the Beast is, and the meaning behind counting a number people have been pondering for centuries, 666. This message also shares why Barack Obama is the Antichrist. This is truly a message from God!

    In the Revelation of Jesus Christ given to the apostle John, we read:

    “He (the false prophet who deceives many by his miracles) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666” (Revelation 13:16-18 NKJV).

    Referring to the last generation, this could only be speaking of a cashless money society, which we have yet to see, but are heading towards. Why? Revelation 13:17 tells us that we cannot buy or sell unless we receive the mark of the beast in our right-hand or forehead. We could still buy or sell among one another without receiving the mark if physical money was still currency. It logically deduces itself to this reason.

    These verses could not be referring to something spiritual because the word references two different physical locations (our right-hand or forehead) stating the mark will be on one “OR” the other. It once again logically deduces itself to this reason.

    Here is where it really starts to come together. It is shocking how accurate the Bible is concerning the RFID microchip. These are notes from a man named Carl Sanders who worked with a team of engineers to help develop this microchip in the late 1960’s.

    “Carl Sanders sat in seventeen New World Order meetings with heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the C.I.A. to discuss plans on how to bring about a one-world system. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world—a microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick, convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society).

    Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without the knowledge of the Bible (Brother Sanders was not a Christian at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip inserted.

    Guess what? These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand (the two places Revelation says the mark will go) are not just the most convenient places, but are also the only viable places for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The microchip is approximately seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, crime record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this chip.

    Brother Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped design, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16-18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick.” Carl believes this refers to a hypodermic needle (see photo).

    Mr. Sanders asked a Boston Medical Center doctor what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID microchip leaked into the body. The doctor responded that if the microchip broke inside a human body, the lithium would cause a severe and painful wound filled with pus. This is what the book of Revelation says:

    “And the first (angel) went, and poured out his vial on the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore on the men which had the mark of the beast, and on them which worshipped his image” (Revelation 16:2).


    What I first want to mention, before I share what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me concerning the number of the beast, is that God confirms in threes. We can see this throughout scripture:

    “For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one” (1 John 5:7 NKJV).

    “and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:4 NKJV).

    “…Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” (Revelation 4:8 NKJV).

    There are many more examples, but I thought I would just share three of them to make the point.

    Examining Revelation 13:16,17,18, the first group of three I would like to point out is that the mark of the beast is described in three separate verses, 16, 17 and 18.

    The next three I see is in verse 16, “He causes all…” is followed by three contrasting categories of people,

    1 – “both small and great,
    2 – rich and poor,
    3 – free and slave…”.

    Then unto verse 17, it opens with, “and that no one may buy or sell except one who has…”, followed by three explanations of what one must have to buy or sell,

    1 – “…the mark
    2 – or the name of the beast,
    3 – or the number of his name”.

    Now unto verse 18, we read “Let him who has understanding calculate…”, which is followed by,

    1 – “the number of the beast,
    2 – for it is the number of a man:
    3 – His number is 666”.

    The last three I see is the number “6” being used three times in a row. The reason I’m making this point about God confirming in three is because it is the key to unlocking how to calculate the number 666.

    Throughout the centuries there have been people trying to calculate numbers based on titles and names that come up to the number 666 to identify one person, the Antichrist; but from Revelation 13:18, I do not see where God is telling us to count up to 666, but rather to count the number of the beast. This number is identified as 666. So the verse is telling us to count the number 666.

    What does it mean to count? It means to add up. So how could we add up 666? Remember my previous point about God confirming in threes is key to unlocking the number 666. So logically, what would be the best way to count the number 666? To count it equally by using the rule of three based off the number.

    We cannot count it equally as 600+60+6, this would also bring us back to the start.

    We cannot count it as 600+600+600, or 60+60+60 because there are no zeroes in between or at the end of 666.

    The only logical option is 6+6+6=18.

    What is interesting is that the verse that reveals for us to count the number itself is verse 18 (there a total of 18 verses in Revelation Chapter 13), being the third verse out of the three verses that describe the mark of the beast in Revelation 13:16,17,18. What is 18 divided by 3? 6. So 3×6=18, or 6+6+6=18.

    Another interesting point is the only two other combinations (making a total of three possible combinations) for placing a “+” symbol in between 666 are:

    66+6=72 and 6+66=72.

    Add both 72’s together and you get 144.

    Why the number 144 is worth our attention is because the verse following Revelation 13:18 is the first time in the Bible where the 144,000 are being described in detail:

    “Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads…” (Revelation 14:1).

    Now if you add up all three numbers from counting 666 by moving the “+” symbol around, it would be 72+72+18=162. What is compelling about the number 162, is, if you divide 144,000 by 162, you get 888. The name of Jesus in Greek gematria adds up to 888. The New Testament was originally written in the Greek language. Revelation 14:1 not only mentions the 144,000, but also the Lamb who is Jesus.

    Now what is interesting about the number for Jesus, 888, is that if you apply the same formula that was used to count 666, you get 8+8+8=24. Why the number 24? Revelation chapter 4 tells us there are 24 elders seated around the throne of God. This is the same throne where Jesus sits.

    Now if you take:




    you get 24+96+96=216.

    Take 144,000 divided by 216 and you get 666.

    Remember that this was the same exact formula we used to count the number 666 that ultimately brought forth the number 888.

    Here is a quick recap to demonstrate how this formula confirms itself as being the true way to count 666:

    1: 6+6+6=18 > 66+6=72 > 6+66=72 > 18+72+72=162

    2: 144,000 divided by 162=888

    3: 8+8+8=24 > 88+8=96 > 8+88=96 > 24+96+96=216

    4: 144,000 divided by 216=666

    1: 6+6+6=18 > 66+6=72…

    As you can see, it is perpetual. And remember that we consistently used a formula that worked in threes being the number that God uses for confirmation.

    So what could this mean? Well we know in this world we are identified by numbers in various forms. From our birth certificate to social security, as well as our drivers license; being identified based on a system of ruler ship. So it is possible that this RFID microchip will contain a new identification that has a total of 18 characters (6+6+6).

    “here the wisdom is, the one having the mind let him calculate the number of the wild beast, number for “of human” it is, and the number of it 666″ (Revelation 13:1, Greek Translation).

    The Greek word “anthrōpos” being used in verse 18 where it says “of human” is the Greek strongs concordance G444. The first two definitions of the word are “a human being, whether male or female”, and, “generically, to include all human individuals”. Could the number of the beast apply to all mankind?

    In the Greek (the New Testament was originally written in the Greek language), and other translations, you will notice the beast is described as an “it”, instead of “him”. The reason I’m making this point is because when a translation says “His number is 666”, this would imply a singular person, the Antichrist. But by saying “the number of it 666”, implies that it is of the beast system as a whole.

    We can know the number of the beast cannot be to identify products (like a new barcode) to buy or sell because scripture says we cannot buy or sell without the number of the beast. What am I getting at? There will be instances where you could buy something someone made themselves and it wouldn’t have a store branded identification on it. But for this number to be in our chips, that is where it must be to conclude ultimately that we cannot buy or sell without having the number of the beast. As previously mentioned in Revelation 13:18, the number of the beast (6+6+6=18) is a “human number”, definition “generically, to include all human individuals”.

    “Why did the Biden campaign choose 30330? 2020 divided by 666 = 3.0330 Who believes this to be a coincidence? October 2020 Isaiah 53:6 Someone said we are being whipsawed in 2020. Truly a great division is taking place between good and evil—both symbolically and literally (riots, unrest, politics). If you take the current year 2020 and divide it by the number 666 (known for its satanic implications) you will get the number 30330 (repeated). This number 30330 happens to be the number used to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Freaky? Supernatural? Odd for sure. Whatever this means, it doesn’t seem good to me. First, why would anyone knowingly choose those particular numbers for their campaign? If they weren’t knowingly chosen, then it appears to be a supernatural act by the evil one himself and I would want to change those numbers ASAP. And if the numbers were chosen knowing their significance, are you satanic? Is this campaign satanic? Either way I do not believe this is a coincidence. And one thing is certain, 2020 is truly being divided by Satan. He is the master deceiver and spreader of chaos. Jesus calls him the father of lies.”

    So I looked up this number 30330 concerning Joe Biden, and I found this information:

    If you send a text to that number (at that time), you would get a response asking to support Joe’s campaign to take down Donald Trump, with one part in caps saying “CHIP IN >>” pointing to a link to go and donate.

    “CHIP IN”? Obama has used this phrase in the past on his twitter and people believe it is a subliminal message to receive the mark of the beast, that is to say the implantable RFID microCHIP that will go IN our body.

    Go to: to see all the proof!

    Is your name written in the Lamb’s book of life? Jesus says that we must be born again to enter the kingdom of God in the Gospel of John chapter 3.

    “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name” (Revelation 14:9-11).


    In the Islamic religion they have man called the Mahdi who is known as their messiah of whom they are waiting to take the stage. There are many testimonies from people online who believe this man will be Barack Obama who is to be the biblical Antichrist based off dreams they have received. I myself have had strange dreams about him like no other person. So much so that I decided to share this information.

    He came on stage claiming to be a Christian with no affiliation to the Muslim faith…

    “In our lives, Michelle and I have been strengthened by our Christian faith. But there have been times where my faith has been questioned — by people who don’t know me — or they’ve said that I adhere to a different religion, as if that were somehow a bad thing,” – Barack Obama

    …but was later revealed by his own family members that he indeed is a devout Muslim.

    So what’s in the name? The meaning of someones name can say a lot about a person. God throughout history has given names to people that have a specific meaning tied to their lives. How about the name Barack Obama? Let us take a look at what may be hiding beneath the surface…

    “And He (Jesus) said to them (His disciples), ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven'” (Luke 10:18).

    In the Hebrew language we can uncover the meaning behind the name Barack Obama.

    Barack, also transliterated as Baraq, in Hebrew is: lightning

    baraq – Biblical definition:

    From Strongs H1299; lightning; by analogy a gleam; concretely a flashing sword: – bright, glitter (-ing, sword), lightning. (Strongs Hebrew word H1300 baraq baw-rawk’)

    Barak ‘O’bamah, The use of bamah is used to refer to the “heights” of Heaven.

    bamah – Biblical definition:

    From an unused root (meaning to be high); an elevation: – height, high place, wave. (Strongs Hebrew word H1116 bamah baw-maw’)

    The day following the election of Barack Obama (11/04/08), the winning pick 3 lotto numbers in Illinois (Obama’s home state) for 11/5/08 were 666.

    Obama was a U.S. senator for Illinois, and his zip code was 60606.

    These are just a few of many evidences why Barack Obama is the Antichrist. You can see many more in my article on the website above, as well as read about the dreams I’ve had concerning this man. I’m more than convinced that God has shown me that he is without a doubt the Antichrist, and we will see him rise to power in the not so dinstant future.

    Jesus stands alone among the other religions who say to rightly weigh the scales of good and evil, and to make sure you have done more good than bad in this life. Is this how we conduct ourselves justly in a court of law? Bearing the image of God, is this how we project this image into our reality?

    Our good works cannot save us. If we step before a judge, being guilty of a crime, the judge will not judge us by the good that we have done, but rather the crimes we have committed. If we as fallen humanity, created in God’s image, pose this type of justice, how much more a perfect, righteous, and Holy God?

    God has brought down His moral law’s through the 10 commandments given to Moses at Mt. Sinai. These laws were not given so we may be justified, rather that we may see the need for a savior. They are the mirror of God’s character of what He has put in each and every one of us, with our conscious bearing witness that we know that it is wrong to steal, lie, dishonor our parents, and so forth.

    We can try and follow the moral laws of the 10 commandments, but we will never catch up to them to be justified before a Holy God. That same word of the law given to Moses became flesh over 2000 years ago in the body of Jesus Christ. He came to be our justification by fulfilling the law, living a sinless perfect life that only God could fulfill; even bringing the law to it’s truest light by stating, “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27-28).

    The gap between us and the law can never be reconciled by our own merit, but the arm of Jesus is stretched out by the grace and mercy of God. And if we are to grab on, through faith in Him, He will pull us up being the one to justify us. As in the court of law, if someone steps in and pays our fine, even though we are guilty, the judge can do what is legal and just and let us go free. That is what Jesus did almost 2000 years ago on the cross. It was a legal transaction being fulfilled in the spiritual realm by the shedding of His blood.

    Because God is Holy and just, the wrath that we deserve could not go unnoticed. Through the perfect righteousness and justice of God’s character, it must be dealt with, it must be quenched, it must be satisfied.

    For God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23). This is why in Isaiah chapter 53, where it speaks of the coming Messiah and His soul being a sacrifice for our sins, why it says it pleased God to crush His only begotten Son.

    This is because the wrath that we deserve was justified by being poured out upon His Son. If that wrath was poured out on us, we would all die and go to hell. God created a way of escape by pouring it out on His Son whose soul could not be left in Hades, but was raised to life on the third day and seated at the right hand of God in power.

    So now when we put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14), God no longer sees the person who deserves His wrath, but rather the glorious image of His perfect Son dwelling in us, justifying us as if we received the wrath we deserve, making a way of escape from the curse of death.

    Now what we must do is repent and put our trust and faith in the savior, confessing and forsaking our sins. This is not just a head knowledge of believing in Jesus, but rather receiving His words, taking them to heart, so that we may truly be transformed into the image of God. Where we no longer live to practice sin, but rather turn from our sins and practice righteousness through faith in Him.

    Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again'” (John 3:5-7).

    Come before the Lord with a contrite spirit, humble yourself, ask Him for His forgiveness, to receive the free gift of His salvation, to receive His Holy Spirit, so that you may be transformed into a new creature, into a child of the living God.

    There is a reason why the words of Jesus have been translated in to over 2000 languages, and nothing comes remotely close (the Quran just over 100), because there is a God in heaven who desires to have a relationship with you, to know Him through His word, as that is how we personally get to know anybody. There is a reason why it is the year 2021, because Jesus came to earth just over 2000 years ago fulfilling major prophecy causing a divide in our timeline.

    Jesus loves you! Seek Him while He may be found! We must repent and turn from practicing sin…for if we are not following Jesus, we are following the devil. There is no neatural ground. We are either living in the lie, or the truth. God bless you!

  3. Thank you for the article, CC. I purchased the TLV Bible version in order to read the name of Jesus in Hebrew. However, after reading what you wrote, something ringed true from earlier experiences. I remember when I was a teenager, I got into all sorts of occultism and noticed that the “sacred name” in the form of the tetragrammaton was used by many of those witches, including Crowley. Later, after being born again in 2016, I realised that the name of Jesus was never used in those types of context. But then, over the space of a few years, sparked by the desire to get closer to God and disillusioned by evangelicals’ pagan ritual observances (christmas, easter, etc.), I started straying off towards Hebrew Roots’ doctrines. But since the start of the CV-Crisis, we have been praying the words of Jesus in Matthew 24, asking our Lord that we be not deceived. Today, we escaped the claws of this humungous deception by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Although it is evident that the war is far from over yet… Greetings from Europe! PJ

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