The World Is a Stage — Corona Virus Is a Hoax


Let me tell you about the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.. and you’re all in it! ♟?

It’s called the NEW WORLD ? ORDER …MIND CONTROL ?  #worldsastage ?

Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.?♟

In 2019 everyone in China ?? was forced to be ? vaccinated (the vaccine contained the corona virus ?).   

Then the strong cities in China turned on 5G and blanketed the people with radiation. ☠️???

Everyone in China ?? started getting sick and dying. They dropped like flies.  ???They were dying at shocking rates.  Mostly in Wuhan.   The first ?5G city.


Somehow, during cold and flu season … this nasty ? ? virus infected the whole EARTH!!!  Corner to Corner!!!!

Sports ? cancelled

Schools ? shut down

Business ? shut down

There was a toilet paper ? crisis.

EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY FORCED THEIR COUNTRIES TO LOCK DOWN. And some of them were ruthless, locking people up … issuing huge fines … all leaders were coming together enforcing EARTH WIDE rules of social distancing… ??????????????????????????????

People were dying.  DYING ALONE!!  ?Literally everyone was being diagnosed with Corona.  There were big checks dished out for those diagnosis!

Some of the front line Nurses ?being hailed as heroes were killing their patients either for money or job security.  Those people hooked up to ventilators the wrong way were left to die. ???

10 out of 10 people that had the flu ? tested positive for this deadly virus ?  —. SOME HAD NO SYMPTOMS…   but have the virus….   DUHHHHHHHHHHH. IT WAS INJECTED INSIDE OF THEM. That’s the only way to get viruses!  They are INJECTED. … anyway.  Back to the show … ????

Everyone on this earth was locked in their homes over a virus ?

5G towers and facial recognition was installed on every corner. ???

All of the leaders and business owners are trying to enforce everyone to wear a mask ?? (please refuse… it’s not safe).

??Businesses were shut down, some remain shut down and will never reopen.  The economy collapsed and ?people were started to figure the lies.  ????‍♀️??‍♂️

The people were protesting their cities and demanding business to reopen.  All of the people were rising and standing together!!!! ??‍???‍???‍???????‍???‍♂️????‍♀️??‍♂️????‍♂️????????‍???‍⚕️??‍???‍???‍♀️??.

Even cops decided that they were tired of enforcing the tyranny and they started standing against it.    ??‍♂️????‍♂️????‍♀️

THENNNNN. … This paid actor mason white cop ?? that is married to Miss Minnesota ??

and other random cops ??‍♀️ ??held down a black man for a 8 mins. and murdered him.

While his brother-in-law cop stood there like … no big deal …

?? while people were video taping it & calling them out ??

{the video was not banned or deleted … even though they want us to believe it shows a MURDER! ?… it’s been trending and widely promoted}


??The same guy that videotaped the cop  (never mentions who he is, but … he was live with a huge group of people…) videotapes this LIVE


?PAID Rioters grabbing everything they can and setting buildings on fire ?

SO FAR …We’ve seen…

?Protesters (all colors) cursing out white people and cops

?Cops breaking windows out of buildings

?Cops stacking wood & starting fires ?

?Cops stacking the bricks ??

?White people bowing to black people and asking for forgiveness ???

?People denouncing their white privilege


?People shaving their heads and chaining themselves up.

?Cops being told to stand down. ??


?A casket ⚰️with a man (that had the fake coronavirus) is on tour hahaha. Yes. ??‍♀️This dead man has a tour of his funeral!!!! Can you say WAVE 2??

Let’s just talk about the man that’s about to change the world — GEORGE FLOYD

Who was George Floyd?

He was a porn star with a criminal record.

And now the cops will stand down so UN can stand up. ??‍♂️????

And a few crazy men that want to vaccinate & depopulate us all will get control of the whole earth and starve us while we are locked in our 5G invisible prisons.  ??

All of the protesters are going to be part of the NWO because they are stupid enough to believe they created the change. ?????

Notice how the ??cops and protesters seem to be unified in wearing masks ? while screaming I CAN’T BREATHE.  Notice the head shaving trend?.  People haven’t even been able to get a haircut.  ? …now shaving our heads is a trend.

They want us to all look the same ???and treat each other like a disease?.  Take off your mask.  It’s all a show. You’re just one of the characters, more like pawns.  ?????

The end ….  nah … it’s not over until Jesus comes back ….?

People need to unplug their television, stop worshipping Hollywood and following their Satanic trends.   And start following Jesus Christ.  Where is the CHURCH?! ?

Please rise up and do not be a part of the nonsense — Jesus is going to win in the end. ?

➡️And in the end — we are alll getting judged BY OUR FRUITS ?????!!!  Not our ROOTS!!! ?⬅️

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1 Comment

  1. Hi Che,
    I am so glad that I was able to find you on Fascistbook again. After just over 100 days in FB detention in 2020, my account started in 2008 was deleted by Fascistbook in January of 2021. I just started a new account when I relocated back to my roots in rural Jefferson County, Missouri. I left in 1987 after I graduated from St. Pius X in Festus, Missouri. I went to Truman State in Kirksville, MO, and after earning my B.S. in Bus Admin, I moved to Kansas City. I got married in 2004 and began my career in IT Staffing, Recruiting, and Consulting in 1996. I raised three amazing children, despite my awakening to the truth. It doesn’t always work out so well when you tell your 3 kids that are at the top of their respective classes (2 Salutatorians, 1 Valedictorian) at St. Pius X in Kansas City, that Roman Catholicism is not Christian, it doesn’t work out so well. At least in the short run. I am optimistic for the long term (whatever time means anymore….

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