Conspiracy Che — Am I conspiracy theorist?

I think a conspiracy theorist is negative term for people  that do not trust the main stream narrative.  A conspiracy theorist is continuously researching and discovering the truth!  A better and more appropriate term is — truther!   By the time I realized that, I already created all of my social media accounts, in my new persona…

So — hi  ??  let me introduce myself … I’m Conspiracy Che.

Welcome to my journey to the truth!   I discovered a lot of these “theories”, make that “truths” — Over one year ago.

This is how it all began …

I went from being a mother that could not imagine not vaccinating her children…  to a huge anti-vaccine advocate.  That was because of the Alfie Evans story.   After I discovered Alfie Evans I found so many more children that had died because they were vaccinated.  And then after I looked at my children a little bit closer I started wondering what might’ve went wrong in their lives because I vaccinated them …

Conspiracy Che
It’s me. ❤️

So then I looked closer at the queen and the elite people and was absolutely disgusted with what I found    …  Illuminati — lizard people ?  — clones ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️—  humanoids —  people being replaced — Children ?? Being sacrificed they aren’t aliens they are demons — Aborted fetal tissue in vaccines…

I always knew something was up with 911.  But  I didn’t realize that vaccines were designed it to depopulate us  … Venus & Serena are men …  Hollywood was full of trannies And they are openly transgendering their children!! ??

then … ChemTrails & fake moon landing … even our food can’t be trusted …. google Monsanto??

I don’t even remember how the flat earth video came up …  but I definitely think that was the most shocking.  I remember kind of laughing about it; but I could not resist playing the video because the ball earth never made sense to me either….

I knew exactly where to check to see if it was the Truth  … who created the earth?  God …  so I looked in the Bible & boom ? …. flat earth confirmed!  It’s Biblical people!

Why would they lie about the shape of the earth??  I’ll tell you why … soon!

One thing that I never thought would be a question … my faith!!   There is a sacred name movement also called Hebrew roots movement.

False Doctrine
We were warned about false doctrines in the end times.

I am going to spend a little bit more time on this one on my first blog because that is the one movement that bothers me the most.   If you start hearing that Jesus is not the real name of Jesus —run in the other direction!

Sacred name followers are following false doctrine. They start off by making you think that they believe in the same creation as you.   They will point out that Christian holidays are pagan (Which they are, but that’s up to each person on their convictions)…   but they literally get mad at you if you continue to follow the same traditions, including celebrating ? birthdays ?     They are a group of very judgemental people and they will call Christian women witches …

They do not believe in Jesus Christ at all.   They do not believe in their Bibles.

I will talk more about them later too …  that movement can lead you straight to Hell!

Hebrew Roots
His name is not Yeshua. It is Jesus Christ.


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  1. Awesome sister! Love reading your blog! Love u!

    1. Awe. Thank you! Love ❤️ you.

  2. Great website and great information! Love it ?

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