Deleting the God Gene – The New Normal — Expanding the Dark Matter In the Dark New World

The New Normal is Insanity!

The coronavirus hijacked the entire earth.  Is it real?  Is it a hoax?  Can people — [math+-=] anymore?  Where are your critical thinking skills right now?  Have you learned to listen to what people say that are on Television & Media or do you go search for the truth and use your critical thinking skills?

Covering our faces is the new normal!  History is being rewritten, statues are being removed..  Black lives matters has replaced the coronavirus, and is definitely working for Satan!  They are creating hate and racism on a new level.  There has been a lot of violence and death that has come out of this 2020 movement of hate!

Notice they want to delete the GOD GENE with a vaccine! God is NOT dead.

Isn’t it ironic that no one seems to care about these things?

Here is some irony…   we have been poisoned for years with chemtrails, gmos, flouride in the water, prescriptions, vaccines, mosquitoes dropped from DARPA.   The people that have tried to fight this poisoning are called conspiracy theorists and told they wear tin foil hats.  Well, at least we can breathe with our tin foil hats!

What is dividing team satan from team Jesus Christ?

It’s not a skin issue, it’s a sin issue.  If you are not saved and following the Living Word of Jesus Christ, you are not entering Heaven!  The problem with the racism notion is … there are black and white people in a movement that is focused on one skin color.  There are black and white cops, pastors, sinners, saints….   It simply isn’t about color.  The only thing that will create racism wars is Satan himself.  So if you are screaming loud and proud over one race, you’re team satan.

People that wear masks are showing fear over faith.  They have taken the mask of the beast ….

People wearing a trump hat and screaming trump 2020….  mark of the beast on their heads… Trump is not going to save you.  Only Jesus Christ can.

Black lives matters — you chose Satan!  BLM will not save you.  It isn’t Biblical.  That cult is not Godly!  They are Satanic!  Violence is not from God.

It’s not too late for the people teaming up with Satan.  The trump hate, BLM shirts, mask are temporary marks.  They are not the marks that will separate you from God.  Those are marks that show Christians who are truly following and seeking the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ and who are following Satan and have the antichrist spirit….

The CoronaVirus… let’s talk about it!  What is the truth about the coronavirus .. Covid 19?

Corona = 666 

Vaccine is the MARK OF THE BEAST….????

Let’s take a look ?at the corona virus….  All of the governments on the earth are working together for one common goal, and using a scary virus to make sure they achieve it! The data alone is evidence that this is an attack on the people with an agenda for everyone on this earth! ?

We went from being locked in our homes, losing our jobs, closing our businesses… to now being able to go in public again… ON ONE CONDITION – MASKS ON!?

These new mask rules in place are conditioning the entire population that we can not buy or sell without a MASK.  This in turn is conditioning people to take the mark of the beast, mentioned in Revelation.  Mask of the beast is only ONE letter away from Mark of the Beast!?

[Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.]6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣

The Coronavirus vaccine is a BIOMETRIC Vaccine, containing nano particles that can trace your every move.   This vaccine will play a huge role in contract tracing!

It also contains Firefly Luciferase (the luminous material inside a firefly) will be used inside the corona virus vaccine.  It has the potential to make an area of skin glow when scanned… think about the invisible stamps parks use to allow you to return.  They scan it using a black light.  The same type of technology, only internal.

If you get a biometric vaccine — they can update it!

“Many biometric systems are also based on fingerprints, which can be a transmission risk for the coronavirus, so Simprints is developing a “touchless” technology that scans the face or the palm, said chief executive Toby Norman.”?

“Biometric digital IDs can be a gamechanger. They can help governments target population segments e.g. healthcare professionals or elderly population, verify people who have received vaccination, and have a clear record,” he said.

Digital identity systems are already in use in many countries, linking biometric data such as fingerprints and iris scans to a unique digital code, allowing for remote identification.?

Simprints and iRespond have already developed contact tracing technology and are working along with vaccine developers so tracking and tracing are possible.

This technology is designed for disease surveillance, but will become tools for state surveillance.  ⚠️‼️

HR Bill 6666 (the number is more than a coincidence)‼️

To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.

Anyone that willfully takes this vaccine will be living in a virtual prison.

The 5G technology will be linked to this vaccine technology and that was the true reason for the mass installation while they kept us in our homes.

When people realize they can go get a vaccine and never wear a mask again.  They will also believe that it will prevent them from getting Covid, they are going to embrace the notion.  I watched a video from a woman that worked at a bar, begging her governor to re-open, she said she would wear a mask or get vaccinated… just please re-open.   ??

The maskholes will become vaccine enforcers.  They will tell us we are selfish for not taking the vaccines.  I was told  — “ I hope you die.”  ‼️

Update:  patent


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  • ABRAMSON, Dustin
  • FU, Derrick
  • JOHNSON, Joseph Edwin, JR.


  • MINHAS, Sandip S.
  • CHEN, Wei-Chen Nicholas
  • HINOJOSA, Brianna L.
  • HOLMES, Danielle J.
  • SWAIN, Cassandra T.
  • WONG, Thomas S.
  • CHOI, Daniel
  • HWANG, William C.
  • WIGHT, Stephen A.
  • CHATTERJEE, Aaron C.
  • JARDINE, John S.
  • GOLDSMITH, Micah P.
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“Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.”

When I was watching a “live video feed” … I commented — “how do you protesters get paid? “. They usually say, they don’t and mock me.   Well, this guy answered me!  It’s actually super organized with an app that tells them where to go and pays them based on their activity …  Seems to align with this new 666 technology!

Let’s go deeper… let’s talk about CERN!

Cern is the creator of the World Wide Web.   They have been searching for the God particle.  They have a large machine where they are smashing atoms and doing crazy stuff…. no one seems to care.  They had a few Satanic Ritual performs. There logo is 666.  You absolutely can not deny that fact.

The God particle has been renamed to Higgs boson.  Scientists don’t want people to know they are searching for some dark God! But their videos sure do make it obvious.

This is being updated with a lot of information and photos… there is so much to share… I didn’t want to wait to post this shell of a blog! Refresh in a few days!  Cern wants to delet

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