Did Bill Gates Predict the CoronaVirus? What you need to know about the Corona Virus!

Corona Virus SymptomsWuhan China has been shut down due to a fast-spreading virus that is reportedly killing people!   Now the media is reporting that the disease has entered the United States, in Texas via a student and other states!

Same disease.  New name.

If you look at the symptoms of this virus is very similar to viruses we’ve seen in the past such as SARS or H1N1.

The symptoms resemble a cold or the flu.  It starts with a cough and it can result in death.

I find it strange that they claim this disease came from fecal matter from animals like a camel or bat.

Patent & Creation of Corona Virus

Oddly enough the coronavirus actually has a patent!  I have to question why diseases have patents!

But even worse is the fact that there is a laboratory in China that is tackling diseases!! Wuhan China Lab The laboratory is in the exact same area that this virus started spreading!  Wuhan China!

Have you heard of Plum Island?

If you’ve never heard of Plum Island you should definitely research it!!  A lot of strange animals have floated up on this island!  There was a lot of creepy research done there!  Something that was research in particular was Lyme disease to be used as a biotech weapon!  Lyme disease originated in New York very close to Plum Island!

Plum Island

Lyme Disease

Bill Gates – Population Control and Vaccines

In case you’re not familiar with the agenda 21 or the fake charity work that Bill Gates has done to help control the population, let me fill you in!!

Bill Gates Vaccines

Bill Gates spoke about our carbon footprint and how people are destroying the planet simply by breathing!  He ACTUALLY SAID if we do a really good job on vaccines we are going to help this problem.

Anyone with common sense knows that means — vaccines are not going to prevent disease they’re going to spread disease!  Depopulation and vaccines are the agenda!

Same Scare Tactic.  New Game.!  

More recently Bill Gates has predicted a pandemic that will kill 30 million people.  If vaccines were truly stopping the spread of disease, how is it even possible to have a pandemic that would kill so many people?!

Bill Gates predicts disease

Bill and Melinda Gates not only predicted a disease that was similar to the flu that would kill 30 million people he pretty much described the coronavirus to a T!  They also described how the virus could be manufactured.  There are articles and YouTube videos with Bill Gates making these predictions.  This is called predictive programming which is used by the elite often!

Bill Gates Disease

Bill and Melinda Gates also held a pandemic crisis event in order to prepare for a major outbreak and disease!  Check out event 201!

Check out this video!  The event held by the Gates is a complete duplication of what is happening in China and now parts of the United States …. right down to the name — CORONAVIRUS!



Bottom line is we’ve seen similar diseases with similar scars tactics.  Vaccines stock $ is at an all time high!  These kinds of scare tactics definitely pay off for the health industry.   It’s hard to say what is really going on in China.

This may be a test to see how well people will obey if they are quarantined to their homes!  There are millions of people that are not allowed to be in public at the moment.  Perhaps we are watching Crisis  actors.  We absolutely can not trust the mainstream media!  They push vaccines!  They have an agenda! 

Please do not panic!  Stsy far away from ALL vaccines! Remember the fake measles outbreak??   — to push vaccines.  (the MMR vaccine was about to expire and they didn’t want those toxins to go to waste)   There’s always an agenda to push vaccines.  Corona vaccine could become another vaccine ? they want to make mandatory.

This virus is more of the same!  Propaganda

Comment and let me know what you think about the coronavirus!  Do you think it was manufactured?  Are you worried that this will become the pandemic Bill Gates warned us about?

Guess who is working on a vaccine ? to cure this pandemic?!  Can you say — BILL GATES?!  Wow!  This stinks to high heaven!  Bill Gates predicted this virus ?, now he’s working on a vaccine.  Not to mention the pandemic training.

Bill Gates is all about depopulation!  Look up the Georgia guide-stones  It’s really creepy!  The people that are pretending to help everyone actually are killing us! And it couldn’t be more obvious!

I hope Bill Gates enjoys his time on this earth  — he’s hell bound!

I highly doubt this virus came from animal feces!  It seems like every disease is blamed on feces … gross…  I’m beginning to wonder if all the diseases are linked to vaccines ?…  check this article out about the coronavirus written in 2015!

Is the Corona Virus in vaccines?

Wuhan is a beautiful & bright city.  I had no idea. Check out these photos.  According to the media, this place is on lockdown!  ??‍♀️  Do you believe them?!


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