The truth will set you free!!

I was actually working on a post about Constantine being one of the worst things that happened to Christianity when I discovered his role in the trinity doctrine.  Constantine’s dirty little hands being in it prompted me to do more research.  I have blindly accepted so many other lies, I had to find it if the trinity was true.  Have the churches been lying to us?  Are they also part of the New World Order?  Could our fundamental religious beliefs actually be more lies?


I always believed Jesus was God and I have never questioned it, up to this point.  I was lied to about the shape of the earth, holidays, vaccines, history, politics and so much more!  I am now questioning EVERYTHING I have been taught.  I had to dig deeper into the trinity doctrine, I felt compelled to know the truth.  I am a Biblical truther. This is important.  I have to get it right!

I have noticed a pattern as I search for truth, It seems like behind every lie, there is a Luciferian Freemason agenda!  Guess what?

Freemasons consider the trinity fundamental.

“No doctrine is more fundamental or more emphasized in Freemasonrythan that of the Trinity.”  Source TRINITY AND WAY OF THE CROSS.htm

Masonic Trinity

It’s time to get to the bottom of this!

First we have to establish an authority, and it can not be a pastor!  As a biblical truther, my authority is the Bible — The Living Word of God.  By the authority of the Bible, the Trinity is a lie — that must be exposed!  Romans 3:4 — let God be true and every man a liar, as it is written “That you may be justified in your words.  And may overcome when you are judged.”

Let me just start by saying — Jesus doesn’t lie, he would have told us if he was God the Father.  Scripture says — Jesus talks and prays to His Father/ Our Father … it does not say he’s talking to himself

The Catholic Faith is based on it!

“The mystery of the Trinity is the central doctrine of the Catholic Faith. Upon it are based all the other teachings of the church.”(Handbook for Today’s Catholic, p. 11)


Pagan Trinity

Protestant Churches have adopted it.

“Our opponents sometimes claim that no belief should be held dogmatically which is not explicitly stated in scripture. But the Protestant Churches have themselves accepted such dogmas, as the Trinity, for which there is no such precise authority in the Gospels.”(Graham Greene, [celebrated Catholic Author], Life Magazine, 30 Oct. 1950, p.51 – source)

The trinity teaching was officially introduced into Christianity by the ROMAN Catholic Church, beginning in 325AD at the Council of Nicaea where 300 Catholic bishops met. ⛪️

At that time, Roman Emperor Constantine—[a non-Christian who was not baptized until he was on his deathbed]—presided over the Nicaea Counsel and, as stated by the Encyclopedia Britannica:

“Constantine himself presided, ACTIVELY GUIDING THE DISCUSSIONS, and PERSONALLY proposed… the crucial formula expressing the relation of Christ to God in the creed issued by the council, [that Christ was] ‘of one substance with the Father.’ ”

Here are some facts —

…..Jesus died and returned to heaven in 33 C.E.

…..Roman Catholic trinity didn’t exist until 325 C.E. (almost 300 years after Jesus left earth).

….The ROMANS who executed Jesus—prior to adopting Christianity as the state religion—had a long history of polytheism (worship of many gods).

….ROMAN Catholics added pagan/false teachings into their corrupted version of Christianity.

…..The trinity, written in Article I of The Catholic Faith, is defined
“There is but one living and true God, everlasting, without body, parts, or passions; of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness; the maker and preserver of all things both visible and indivisible. And in unity of this Godhead there be three Persons, of ONE SUBSTANCE, POWER, and ETERNITY; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.”

….There were trinity gods in existence centuries before Jesus Christ appeared on earth in the 1st Century.  There were also pagan trinities in existence during the 1st Century while Jesus was on earth.  [why didn’t Jesus or His disciples teach it?]

Pagan Trinity Examples

1. In the 2nd century B.C.E. (two centuries before Christ came to the earth), Egypt had a triad of gods consisting of (1) Horus, (2) Osiris, and (3) Isis.

2. In the 2nd century B.C.E. (two centuries before Christ came to the earth), Babylon had a triad of gods consisting of (1) Ishtar, (2) Sin, and (3) Shamash.

3. In the 1st century C.E., Palmyra, which was an ancient city in Syria, had a triune god which consisted of (1) moon god, (2) Lord of Heavens, and (3) sun god.

Dangers of Trinity doctrine are

⚠️It teaches Jesus is NOT the literal Son of God, and therefore diminishes the matchless love of the Father, who ‘sent His only begotten Son’.

⚠️The trinity also teaches that Jesus is God, which takes away God’s role as the Father and in exalting Jesus

⚠️If Christ did not come in the same flesh sinful nature as man, with all man’s weaknesses, He could not provide us with a resistance to temptation through the Holy Spirit.

Colossians 1:26-27 …’Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory

>>>>>Who is the one divine being who has also taken on the fallen human nature?

>>>>>>Who is the one divine being who has been tempted in all the ways we are? (Hebrews 4:15).

>>>>>>Who is the one divine being who knows what we go through and is able to truly help us overcome? (Hebrews 2:18). ❤️It is Jesus Christ, the righteous Son of God!❤️

‼️We need Jesus Christ in us, so he can manifest His righteousnessin us through the Holy Spirit

‼️Without Jesus, we are lost. 

‼️The trinity doctrine takes Jesus away from us and places ‘another god’ in us. Another ‘god’ who cannot help us overcome sin.  There is ‘another god’ who wants to control us … Satan!

Which God do the Catholics follow? 

Did Jesus Christ teach the trinity? 

Did the apostles teach the trinity?

Do you want to follow the pagan religion of Rome or Jesus? 

The Bible reveals in the book of Revelation that the Roman Catholic Church is BABYLON, the MOTHER OF HARLOTS. She is a continuation of the old Babylonian system found in the Old Testament, which was the original rejector of God’s truth in favor of worshiping false gods.

“Come out of her my people”

Roman Catholic Church is ‘now fallen’ and has ‘become’ the habitation of devils, is just the same as saying that Paganism, or Hinduism, or any other false religion.

The protestant churches [daughters of Babylon] Revelations 17:5 have also fallen, following pagan traditions and Catholic doctrine!  The churches are preaching watered down, lukewarm messages of love & abundance.  They are no longer teaching true salvation and repentance.  They are not teaching the cross.  Churches today are about numbers and acceptance.  We are called to come out of this corrupt body.

Here are a few examples of how the Protestant Church follows the pagan Catholics

✅They have held on to the false ‘sabbath’ of Papal Rome (Sunday).

✅They have fully embraced the false trinity god of Rome.

✅They have embraced spiritualism through the false teaching of the ‘immortal soul’.

✅They proclaim the devilish teaching that the lost will burn for all eternity

Slowly but surely the churches are merging to a one world religion.  Every day Protestant Churches are becoming more like the Catholic Church (their mother).

God. Jesus. & the Holy Spirit are the Word. The Word describes them. It’s not what they are, it’s a description that means they ALL AGREE WITH THE TRUTH.    So stop using this scripture to claim JESUS CHRIST WHO SAYS HE ABSOLUTELY IS NOT GOD IS GOD. You’re basically saying …yes you are God.  You’re calling him a liar.

✅Jesus Christ never mentioned [the Trinity]

✅The Apostles didn’t teach the trinity.

✅The Bible does the use the word ‘Trinity’.

✅The idea was only adopted by the Church three hundred years after the death of our Lord; and the origin of the conception is entirely pagan .

✅Constantine who was Luciferian & worshipped the sun god decided on Trinity doctrine

✅”The ancient Egyptians, whose influence on early religious thought was profound, usually arranged their gods or goddesses in trinities: there was

——–>>>>>the trinity of Osiris, Isis, and Horus,

———>>>>the trinity of Amen, Mut, and Khonsu,

——->>>>>the trinity of Khnum, Satis, and Anukis,

It should be noted that the early Christians did not apply the idea of the trinity to their own faith. They paid their devotions to God the Father and to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and they recognized the mysterious and undefined existence of the Holy Spirit; but there was no thought of these three being an actual Trinity, co-equal and united in One . . .

People will ask if Jesus isn’t God, why did he accept worship, Jesus accepted worship because

✅He is the Son of God.

✅He was approved by God.

✅He was exalted by God.

But still —- God never tells us that Jesus is God‼️

Trinity believers are the being manipulated by pagan church doctrine. They agree with the Constantine (who worshipped the Sun god) and the Vatican who worships Lucifer, as well as the “popular” Christian belief, Egyptians, Pagans & Babylons … all followed the trinity.   Following the trinity is following the world belief.

The authority is what God said in His Word — “this is my son with whom I am pleased”. And what Jesus said — “there is only true God.  He is “our” Father”.   ✅

The Trinity belief calls God the Father & Jesus the son liars when you say Jesus is GOD THE SON or Jesus is God (even though that isn’t in the Bible). … it is adding to the Bible when they say that.

Show me the words — TRINITY, JESUS IS GOD & GOD THE SON in the Bible … not a scripture you’re interpreting.  Show me THE ACTUAL WORDS!   If it isn’t in the Bible —


Imagine you’re explaining who Jesus is to a 5 year old ….   how are you going to make them comprehend that Jesus is God the Father & God the Son?!   The Bible says we are to forgot what man has taught us and read it with the eyes of a child.

People are holding on to doctrine and religion just like some people can’t let go of their globe. It’s time to release all of the religion we’ve been programmed with and asked the Holy Spirit to guide us through the Living Word of God.

Let’s look at some scriptures to make it crystal clear!

1 Timothy 2:5 says that Jesus is the Mediator between the one God and man, then it means Jesus cannot be the one God Himself, as He is the Mediator between the one true God and mankind. This is basic logic.

Romans 1:7-8 …’Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. First, I thank my God through Jesus Christfor you all.’

1 Corinthians 1:3-4 …’Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ.’

Ephesians 1:3 …’Blessed be the God and Fatherof our Lord Jesus Christ.’

Ephesians 6:23 …’Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Fatherand the Lord Jesus Christ.’

James 1:1 …’James, a servant of Godand of the Lord Jesus Christ.’

2 Peter 1:2 …’Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of Godand of Jesus our Lord.’

2 John 1:3 …’Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.’

‘Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.’(1 Corinthians 1:3)

‘Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,’(Galatians 1:3)

‘Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.’(Ephesians 1:2)

‘Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.’(Philippians 1:2)

‘Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Fatherand the Lord Jesus Christ.’(Colossians 1:2)

‘Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.’(1 Thessalonians 1:1)

In conclusion

The Godhead is a “FAMILY” not a trinity limited to 3, but of a Father, Son and thousands of His adopted children (each believer) We are adopted in. 2 Cor 6:18

Jesus is our BROTHER, Matthew 12:46-50.

God is our FATHER, Ephes 4:6

Satan has attempted to destroy the family Godhead and re-name it “Trinity.” The Father, Son & Holy Spirit are one in agreement.  They share the same purpose, but are not one in the same. John 17:21, 1 Cor 11:3

Some of you stopped celebrating pagan holidays, but are still embracing other pagan beliefs. ‼️⚠️  The trinity is PAGAN!  It didn’t come from God or Jesus— it came from Constantine.

One of our main end time issues is going to be — Who we worship!  This is SERIOUS!

If you believe the  Trinity is real, you also believe Satan could tempt God!

If Satan was using an appeal to a humanistic desire of power and Dominion by offering him all the kingdoms of the world and power over them

If he would kneel and bow to him — he couldn’t tempt God himself with such an appeal because he knows that God would be above that desire.

He knows that it would be an ultimate victory over God if he were able to get his son to worship Him and turn away from God

Because he knows that he can’t get God himself to worship him.  That would be ridiculous

If Jesus were God himself Satan would not even make an attempt to get God to worship Him.

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  1. Are you saying That Jesus was not eternal? You may be only about half right on this attack on the Trinity. I have found Dr. Michael Heisers book the Unseen Realm very enlightening and you should probably give it a read. His claim in the book is that Jesus is the Angel of Yahweh that was in the Burning Bush and that their are two Yahweh figures in the Old Testament one visible and one invisible. Yes it is true that God the father has a family and that is some what of a mystery to us. Angels in the Old Testaement are called Eloheim which is equivelent to the term God because God is also called Eloheim. The gods of the nations are condemn for their mismanagement of the nations is Psalm 82. The Eloheim (sons of God) rebelled against God the creator and came down before the flood and cohabitated with Human Women, which is became the god’s our ancestors worshipped. After the tower of Babel rebellion God disinherets the nations and puts them under the rule of the Eloheim (gods of the nations that Israel are commanded not to worship. I think you raise some interesting questions but you may have missed some important points. The Angel of Yahweh in the Old testament is worlship so their may be more mystery here and dogmatic conclusions may not be valid.

    1. I am saying exactly what the Bible says…. God is the Father, Jesus is His Son.

    2. Yes, Jesus is eternal. He was always there! What makes you think I don’t believe that?

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