The 666 BEAST SYSTEM that will track EVERYONE in the name of COVID! PALANTIR

Donald Trump replaced CDCs Convid 19 reporting with Palantir, a seedy Silicon Valley company ran by Peter Theil.  ?

Theil made his first fortune at Paypal. Then Palantir got it’s start by data mining and monitoring employees at JP Morgan & Chase.  It traced all company electronic activity –




?browser history,

?gps locations on all company issued phones,

?printer and download activities,

?badge in time patterns,

?recorded phone conversations.

Their software would congregate the information —

search, ?

sort and ?

analyze ?the records surfacing key words that would determine if an employee was abusing companies assets or policies.  From cameras to harvesting data, they really had no limits as to what they would spy on within the company!   ??‍♂️

Palantirs Gotham product has a nice way of pulling together a massive amount of data on individuals and wraps it in a nice neat package that the NSA loved!  ??‍? Imagine a photo of an individual in the center of a spider web of data that you can click on to generate more data.  For example, an envelope to click on and gain access to every email sent and received, along with all of the attachments.?

Palantir received money back by the CIA to start In-Q-Tel. ⚠️

After investigating, In-Q-Tel, I had to wonder if this was the CIA operation behind Q Anon!  [In-Q-Tel invests in high-tech companies for the sole purpose of keeping the Central Intelligence Agency, and other intelligence agencies, equipped with the latest in information technology in support of United States intelligence capability. The name “In-Q-Tel” is an intentional reference to Q, the fictional inventor who supplies technology to James Bond.]. Palantir has been known to spy on activists and provided a key part of the NSA’s PRISM system. ?

Thiel is also linked to L-1 Identity Solutions, which makes facial recognition software and is closely linked with Titan L-3 Communications, the leading manufacturer of police body cameras.  BLM has requested all officers wear body cams — well, they will be … fully equipped with facial recognition that will quickly access all of our data!??

Peter Thiel invested $500,000 in exchange for 10.2% of the company then called Thefacebook. The investment has so far netted Thiel more than $1 billion in cash; he retains a $200 million stake and remains a Facebook director. Other notable Thiel investments are:



??a $120 million stake in

??Musk’s rocket-ship company SpaceX;


This is just to name a few.  This man has invested in multiple companies, including


and companies that work with —



?facial recognition,



tons of software and tech companies…  He uses his money to manipulate the CEOs to allow him to get his grimy little paws in our data!!

Companies that didn’t take his money or tried to expose him risked being sued, bankrupted and bought out.  ?Currently he is saying Google has committed treason and sold our information to China.  And, if anyone would know, it would certainly be this slime ball because he probably had a hand in helping them do it!?

Everyone knows about the Patriot act After 9/11 — but did you know that Peter Thiel’s company began using the “war on terror” to track everything about ALL OF us!  ?They claim the system used to stop terror was so sophisticated, they were able to hunt down Osama Bin Laden.   (I have my own opinion on Sept.11). But say it’s true, —that would mean no one could hide from Palantir!   By 2019 Palantir had a $1.5 billion contract with the government.  ?

Why is this information harvesting so dangerous??

Covid 19 has been used to force everyone on earth to be in an invisible prison.  The government wants to use our health to monitor us.  They created the lie of a deadly pandemic, [which was planned for years] … Now they are using the “war” on a virus to track and trace everyone on earth.   If the “war” is on the virus, it makes the citizens of the earth the domestic terrorists — if we don’t comply their tyranny!?

The government is behind the scenes creating false scenarios in order to

??control you

??distract you

??divide you

??separate you

??track you

??trace you

??social distance you

??test you

??monitor you

??conquer you

??surveillance you

??vaccinate you

??medicate you…   


What’s frightening is that they can use the same reason they did for September 11 to hunt us down!  If they treat humanity like a deadly disease yearly, they can also call us domestic terrorists and penalize us if we don’t obey their rules, tests, treatments, conditions! ??‍♂️?

This company currently has contracts with

nasa space force,



?CIA, police to name a few.

?Palantir has an $800 million dollar contract with the government.  The covid contract is $5 million.  There’s so many more …. it’s involved with hundreds, if not thousands of tech companies!⛓⛓⛓⛓

To give you an idea of how dirty this company truly is…. — Palantir created a program called the Operation Laser.  They profiled people that were most likely to commit crimes.  They sent patrolmen to monitor the “potential criminals”.   Officers would stop them or ticket them as often as possible … — even for jaywalking!  If they couldn’t find a reason to ticket them, they documented everything the person was doing.  They would constantly add to this database which is available to the officers without a warrant!   The system is so advanced that If one of these individuals were spotted in the same area as a cop, the cop would be alerted with all the information about the suspect at their fingertips.  The data they tracked was personal, not necessarily criminal.  One woman in the system was identified as having multiple boyfriends.  Anyone that logged into the system could see intimate details of her relationships.

Peter Thiel had a friendship with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein, [which is creepy considering Palantir is in charge of the missing and exploited children’s database] — their connection was based on living forever.  ⌛️Peter Thiel is a client of Alcor and a donor to both the Singularity Institute and Humanity Plus. Thus there are two billionaires investing in the same life extension technologies They were both into cryogenics and receiving parabiosis. He reportedly told Inc that he is infusing himself with young blood??, according to Zublick.  You can find videos of him talking about aging and ways to reverse it.  ??

Peter Thiel was the trendsetter behind New Zealand’s role in Silicon Valley’s doomsday prepping movement.  ??He purchased a sprawling 477-acre New Zealand sheep station. He created underground bunkers mansion-style built for the elite!  Is this where Jeffrey Epstein is living now?  ??‍♀️

He also harbors an obsession with “The Lord of the Rings” to citing a book that outlines the rise of the “cognitive elite” following a civilizational disintegration.  I haven’t seen Lord of the Rings to understand what it all means, (but something worth mentioning to this who have) — is some of the software capabilities have Lord of the Rings inspirations behind them, James Bond as well…?

One thing we can be sure of is that every single selfie?? harvested by these tech companies have been analyzed and linked or our own data records and everyone’s face is now loaded into a recognition database built by L-1 Identity Solutions and controlled by a former director of the CIA. We can be sure the CIA does and loves having copies of our selfies right next to a catalog of our tweets, emails, texts, and phone records.??

Compound this with Cambridge Analytica being brought in by Mercer to support the Brexit Campaign and you have untold millions of people from multiple countries all in a single biometric database.  ????

You can be certain, the Covid 19 tests are helping with the identification and tracking process.  Masks? and social distancing are playing a role in the facial recognition cameras that have been placed all over during our quarantine.?

The 5 G network isn’t made for homans.  ⚡️It’s made to mobilize machines.  It is a military weapon that has the power to connect people to machines. ?

The goal of the governments working with Palantir is to track every human being on earth inside of the Beast System, which will code every human with an 18 digit number —  beginning with 666.??????

Bio digital Social programming works with our brain chemistry and AI coding engineered with biased.  It can reprogram your thoughts, ultimately making you lose your own free will.  You won’t know the thoughts you are having are not your own!   ??

Our thoughts are coming from the system.  ????‍♀️????We have a relationship with our smart phones.  It’s a parasite that is creating an acceptance of things we normally wouldn’t accept — masks .. vaccines .. transgender ..

The internet creates group thinkers using images, celebrities, athletes.  Hollywood has changed and shaped society like the Egyptian gods of the past. ??‍♀️ 

Our phones are equipped with health apps … monitoring our steps, heart beat, and tracking us without ever logging in — and can’t delete it.  Imagine how these will play into contact tracing in the future!??

The Bible said this is a spiritual battle.  When you think about billionaires like Bill Gates and Elon Musk, do you really think they thought of their inventions or does it seem like they are they under demonic control? ??

The tool being used to divide and conquer and colonize is AI. It’s the real plague.  It is powered by all social media. The people willfully feed it all of the information it wants.  AI can control and social program everyone that uses it.

They are creating a quantum digital brain ?, genetically enhancing bugs?, creating humanoids??‍♀️, clones?, drones? as a soft control to take us over through a network that promotes atheism and communism. ??

Facial recognition, voice recognition, finger prints and all the biometric tools on our devices is creating a virtual prison in which they can quarantine and control us at any given moment.  With 5G, we are creating tags that will tag us like cattle on the 5G network everytime we get online.  ????????

Now we have —

?Smart cities.

?Smart homes.

?& Automated vehicles are being used to create weak minded selfish people that are easily corrupted.

They make VR googled that connects to the penial gland, literally creating a software in our systems.  ?

This is a colonized AI invasion from numerous multidimensional layers!  It’s being created by multiple companies all interconnected through demonic inspiration!  ??????

Think about it ☁️… this demonic AI knows we want to be touched and loved. We need attention. They know we can become fearful?.  So they use it against us and try to make us solely dependant on it — for relationships, purchases, education, status, business… etc.?

Scientist have been promoting “enlightenment” and the false light of Lucifer for years.  They don’t want to give you enlightenment. They want to download it to you so you will become a program void of any free will.  You give your soul away.?

They have created technology ?so powerful that it creates confusion in humans – (like gender identity) and then use media, education, Hollywood to make it acceptable.  ? We no longer know our divine purpose and become obedient monkeys. ????

Summing this up, one billionaire owns a company that has massively mined data from facebook, google, &&&&&&. ?

?This company is a CIA backed company directly linked to and in almost every tech company out there.  I just couldn’t believe it.  There was just so much to research…. so MANY seedy companies!   ?A chart of these relationships does not make for a good 2D info-graphic.

Through researching Peter Thiel, I found that companies like facebook, ⚙️instagram, ⚙️twitter, ⚙️Snapchat, ⚙️TikTok were never made to entertain us— they were created to store our faces, harvest our data and reprogram us with “groupthink”!  Writing this made me want ?delete all of my social media and ⛏??smash all of my electronic devices.

These black mirrors are the devil’s tools, nothing more than modern-day apples to acquire knowledge that we are not meant to have; but I’ve decided the best way to use Satan’s tools are to keep sharing the truth and fight against him! ???. That’s not to say that I don’t have a future living off the grid.  That sounds pretty amazing right now! ??  Believe me when I say — BLOCK CHAIN does not mean FREEDOM!!


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1 Comment

  1. Good Read
    Very Informative
    Excellent Job!!!

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