Was Alfie Evans Purposely Injured In a Plot to Harvest His Organs?!

The Alfie Evans Story is so messed up!  The story behind this innocent little boy has changed many lives in a dramatic way!  This tragic story of a vaccine injury cover-up, medical kidnapping, and organ harvesting shined a light on the truth behind vaccines, infant deaths and the twisted reality that has been hidden for centuries.

According to Wikipedia — The Alfie Evans case was a legal case in 2018 involving Alfie Evans, an infant boy from Liverpool with an underdiagnosed neuridegenerative disorder, later to be GABA-transaminase deficiency.  [whatever that means…. I call it, medical terms to hide the truth]

If you followed this story, it was absolutely gut wrenching!  Here is a brief summary of Alfie Evans

Alfie was born May, 9 2016 and died April 28, 2018.  His parents are Thomas Evans and Kate James.

?Alfie was born a perfectly healthy baby boy

?he was given 9 vaccinations from birth to his 2 month well-check?????????

?Alfie started having seizures and was put on life support ?

?doctors diagnosed him as a vegetable & want to inject him with poison end his life. Parents said no. ?

?there are lots of videos where Alfie responds to his parents voices. And just seems like he was in a deep sleep, holding his parents hands and cuddling with them. Nothing about him looked like a vegetable. Just sleeping. ??

?Alder Hey applies to High Court to withdrawal parental rights and withdrawal ventilation, claiming it was unkind and inhumane to keep treating him, stating there was “no hope” for recovery

?doctors take child off life support

?he miraculously survives ?

?they still want to kill him ?

?Italy offers free plane ✈️  ticket & free medical care ?

?the hospital kills ?him anyway and doesn’t release the body. ??

Hmmmmm. ????????.

Did the vaccines injure Alfie Evans?

Let’s take a look at the evidence.  There are videos of Alfie Evans as a perfectly healthy baby prior to his two month vaccinations.   Alfie started having seizures immediately after his two month vaccinations.   One has to wonder if this was a malpractice cover up as both the hospital and judges were so desperately trying to kill him!  They also refused to allow Alfie to be transported to another hospital that was willing to treat him.   Alfie would have turned 2 on May 9.   According to the UK vaccine injury site, you can not sue for a vaccine injury until the child reaches 2 years of age.

Alfie had all the classic symptoms of vaccine injury from seizures to water on his brain.  The package inserts from vaccine manufacturers warn about seizures risks for the following vaccines — chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, pneumococcal disease, polio, tetanus, hepatitis b, diphtheria, and rotavirus. According to the vaccine injury report database, 13,288 cases of seizures were reported after vaccines.

This story makes me wonder about Alder Hey Hospital — could it be even more sinister than what we think?  How many children have died at Alder Hey?  What is happening to their tiny little bodies and organs once they are considered “brain dead”?  Are the judges part of a massive organ harvesting cover up?

Digging a little deeper, beyond the disturbing case of Alfie Evans leads to story after story of strange deaths at Alder Hey.  There is also an organ scandal that involved the unauthorized removal, retention, and disposal of human tissues, including children’s organs, during the period of 1988 – 1995.  During this period, 2000 jars containing body parts from around 850 infants were uncovered during a public inquiry.

Why was an investigation launched?

Apparently parents were tricked into signing a consent for post mortem stating “tissues may be retained” for research.  This allowed for the hospital to remove or dispose of the organs.  Parents had no idea the hospital was harvesting hearts, lungs, brains, kidneys from dead babies.  Thousands of body parts were kept in storage.  When the scandal was uncovered, several hospitals were caught with over 100,000 organs!  Alder Hey was one of the hospitals involved.  Alder Hey stored 1500 miscarried, still born and aborted fetuses without consent!

Why are hospitals harvesting baby organs?

It’s a big business.  Planned parenthood was caught in an organ harvesting scandal.  They were keeping babies alive and intact, cutting down the middle of faces to harvest brains from late-term aborted babies with heartbeats!  We are living in perilous times!  The people that should be protecting us are killing us for profit.

Governments are pushing late-term abortions and mandatory vaccinations for disturbing reasons. Medical kidnapping is at an all time high.  People are worth more dead than alive. The truth is continually being chased away and mocked.  Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and other social media outlets are hiding, deleting and burying the truth!

What do they do with the harvested aborted fetal tissues or organs besides research?

Are you ready to throw up?  Aborted babies in China are dried out in the sun, crushed and put in pills!  Believe it or not aborted fetal tissues are in… vaccines, food and beverages, skin care, and more.  Research HEK 293 and senomyx.  The truth is stranger than fiction.

In conclusion:

The Alfie Evans story was so messed up, that it opened a lot of eyes up to the fact that vaccines are killing babies and hospitals are covering it up.  We also discovered that babies organs and tissues have been harvested for centuries, as they are worth more dead than alive.  Planned parenthood was involved in a partial birth abortion organ harvesting scandal.  The sad reality is, innocent children are being sacrificed for profit all over the world.

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  1. Wow… that has to be spread around. We should talk more about the vaccine problem. Good post

    1. Thank you very much!!

  2. This needs to be talked about more people everyday are talked in to vaccines or to vaccine your newborn my son is 8 an is perfectly fine no health issues has amazing immune system i Brest fed him for the first 6 months an switched to formula but anyways this sorry is heart breaking

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